Monday, March 17, 2008

Thing 4
My two favorite boys. My son Andrew at 18 years old and our dog Max.
Flickr etc. are fun tools. However, they can absorb great amounts of my time. It is nice to know about them, but I don't currently have an application for them in my library setting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thing 3 - Necessity is the mother of invention
Librarians have been busy and short on time since the doors opened on the very first library. We are always looking for ways to better manage our time and information. I learned in Thing 3 that RSS feeds, Google Reader, etc. do exactly that. It must have been a librarian that invented RSS and readers!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thing 2 - Change is our Friend
Web 2.0, L2, whatever you call them, they all signify change. Change is going to happen with or without us. Do we want to be the librarian that first hears about Googgle from a 12 year old patron and then scrambles to try to catch up? Some of us have experienced this very scenario. 23 Things on a Stick is a great way to keep up with the technology, (or at least be aware of new trends), and your patrons. Change is my friend and I am on board!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thing 1 - I love avatars!

(music) These are a few of my favorite things (music ends) from Thing 1!
Creating my own avatar which had me giggling out loud at my desk,
and just learning more about managing a blog. I am not a huge blog user at this time,
but I realize I need to use them more.

As I work through the 23 Things on a Stick will I find myself excited to use more blogs, or will they be another thing to drain away my precious work minutes? I'll keep you posted!